2022 Krishnamurti Calendar

$ 11.95 USD

Wall hanging calendar. Beautiful photographs taken by Friedrich Grohe are accompanied by a short quote from Krishnamurti. Dimensions 8.5" x 12" closed,    17 x12 open.

2023 Krishnamurti Calendar

$ 5.00 USD

Wall hanging calendar. Beautiful photographs taken by Friedrich Grohe are accompanied by a short quote from Krishnamurti. Dimensions 8.5" x 12" closed,    17 x12 open.

2024 Krishnamurti Calendar

$ 2.99 USD

Wall hanging calendar. Beautiful photographs taken by Friedrich Grohe are accompanied by a short quote from Krishnamurti. Dimensions 8.5" x 12" closed,    17 x12 open.

A Door Open for Anyone

$ 12.95 USD

Krishnamurti on Study Centres During the last decade of his life, Krishnamurti urged the Krishnamurti Foundations in India, England and America to start study centres for serious adults, as he...

A Flame of Learning - Krishnamurti with Teachers

$ 14.95 USD

Title: A Flame of Learning - Krishnamurti with TeachersPublisher: Krishnamurti Foundation IndiaAuthor: J.Krishnamurti205 pp - Paper"Seeing something very clearly and acting instantly is intelligence. Can we have that intelligence among...

A Vision of the Sacred: My Personal Journey with K

$ 5.00 USD$ 16.00 USD

A Vision of the Sacred: My Personal Journey with Krishnamurti is a contemporary an intimate memoir by Krishnamurti;s private secretary and friend in India, Sunanda Patwardhan. The book answer the...

A Wholly Different Way of Living

$ 14.95 USD

In the eighteen dialogues with Professor Allan W Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at San Diego State University, J. Krishnamurti indicates that pinning our hopes on organized religion, science,...

A Wholly Different Way of Living
(Conversations with Professor Allan W. Anderson)

$ 44.95 USD

Krishnamurti met with Professor Allan W. Anderson in 1974 for eighteen one-hour conversations which, because of their amiable rapport, has become a favorite source for many people endeavoring to study...


$ 12.95 USD

This Study Book features statements on the theme of Action from Krishnamurti's talks and discussions held between 1933 and 1967. They have proved helpful in dialogues and for use in...

All the Marvelous Earth (hardback)

$ 24.95 USD

"Each page is a feast, and each course serves up new delights in the marriage of words and images." -- Napra Review All The Marvelous Earth is an anthology of...

All the Marvelous Earth (softback)

$ 16.95 USD

All The Marvelous Earth is an anthology of Krishnamurti's writings on our relationship with each other and with the environment. In this wonderful book he points to a different way...

An Uncommon Collaboration

$ 24.99 USD

For more than two decades, renowned theoretical physicist David Bohm engaged in a close collaboration with psychological philosopher J. Krishnamurti. The two men participated together in 144 recorded dialogues and...

As One Is

$ 14.95 USD

Audiobook Edition Now Available: Click here In this series of 8 talks, given in Ojai, California in 1955, he confronts the confusion, habits, and assumptions of the human mind, and...

As the River Joins the Ocean

$ 14.95 USD

J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986), the revolutionary mystic, iconoclastic author and speaker had a profound impact on vast numbers of people for more than half the 20th Century. He counted as closest...

Attention and Order

$ 29.95 USD

Public Talks in Ojai, California, 1984. Subtitles: English Audio: English, English-French, English-Russian, English-Spanish

Awakening of Intelligence, The

$ 19.95 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available from the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle. Click here for the Kindle Edition. This book is a must...

Beginnings of Learning

$ 13.00 USD

Beginnings of Learning is a chronicle of Krishnamurti's conversations, held in the early 1970s, with students, teachers, and parents at Brockwood Park School in Hampshire, England, which he founded in...

Beyond Myth and Tradition

$ 49.95 USD

The series of 12 thirty-minute topic based programs are now available on DVD. Each program consists of selected clips of Krishnamurti on the given topic as well as subtitled quotations...

Beyond Violence

$ 11.95 USD

“Krishnamurti would tell you to investigate the workings of your own mind, in the same way that the Buddha taught us to investigate how suffering arises and by discovering the...

Book of Life, The

$ 18.99 USD

The Book of Life is inspired by Krishnamurti's perception that anyone can discover truth and that all life is interconnected. The Book of Life presents passages from Krishnamurti's talks and...

Can Conflict End?

$ 12.95 USD

Can Conflict End? Without the fundamental necessity of peace, we cannot possibly understand the greater things of life.With his signature insight and wisdom, world renowned thinker J. Krishnamurti offers a...

Can Humanity Change?

$ 22.95 USD

Discussions between Krishnamurti and a group of Buddhist scholars provide a unique opportunity to see what this great teacher had to say about Buddhist teachings. The conversations, which took place...

Can the Mind be Quiet?: Living, Learning, and Meditation

$ 14.95 USD

 One of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century describes a series of his encounters around the world with a wide variety of spiritual seekers. Their questions and his answers...

Can the Mind Ever Be Quiet?

$ 48.95 USD

Seminars at Brockwood Park, UK - June 1984 (3-DVD Set)Disc 1: What is thought?Disc 2: Is there an action in which there is no limitation?Disc 3: Can thought come to an end?Can...
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