Education and the Significance of Life

$ 13.99 USD

Education and the Significance of Life is a penetrating inquiry into the nature and requirements of the kind of education which can lead to self-fulfillment and to world peace. Krishnamurti...

Life Ahead

$ 15.95 USD

Collected from talks Krishnamurti gave to his students in India, Life Ahead offers short chapters based around life's fundamental questions. It includes a wonderful introduction written by Krishnamurti especially for...

Insights into Education

$ 14.95 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle.  Insights into Education presents the educational philosophy of J. Krishnamurti in...

Educating the Educator

$ 6.95 USD

During the year 1948, Krishnamurti held as usual a series of public talks in India, but in Bombay and Poona his talks were interspersed with meetings with teachers and parents....

Unconditioning and Education Volume 2

$ 14.95 USD

This book is the second and last volume in a series that presents a collection of dialogues in which renowned educator and religious teacher J. Krishnamurti explores with parents and teachers...

Letters To His Schools

$ 14.95 USD

This new collection of J. Krishnamurti''s Letter to the Schools combines the letters originally published in Volume I (1981) and Volume II (1985) with seventeen preiviously unpublished letters from earlier...

Unconditioning and Education Volume 1

$ 14.95 USD

Unconditioning and Education: The need for a radical approachThis book presents a series of dialogues in which renowned educator and religious teacher J. Krishnamurti explores with parents and teachers the...

Think on These Things Syllabus

$ 14.95 USD

This is a fully developed syllabus for an inquiry-based program for high school and college students, with the goal of creating a space for authentic exploration of fundamental questions. This...

Talks with American Students

$ 19.95 USD

Three talks at the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, two talks at Morcelo, Puerto Rico, three talks at Claremont College, California, and four talks at the New School for...

A Flame of Learning - Krishnamurti with Teachers

$ 14.95 USD

Title: A Flame of Learning - Krishnamurti with TeachersPublisher: Krishnamurti Foundation IndiaAuthor: J.Krishnamurti205 pp - Paper"Seeing something very clearly and acting instantly is intelligence. Can we have that intelligence among...

Why are you being Educated?

$ 10.00 USD

Consists of six talks that Krishnamurti gave at Indian universities and the Indian Institutes of Technology between the years 1969 and 1984. Krishnamurti's chief concern here is to awaken students...

On Learning and Knowledge

$ 12.95 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues.Krishnamurti, in excerpts from his talks and dialogues, states that knowledge, while necessary...
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