Choiceless Awareness

$ 14.95 USD

This Study Book features statements on this theme from Krishnamurti's talks and discussions held between 1933 and 1967. It is a compilation of excerpts from his talks on the subject...

The Urgency of Change

$ 10.00 USD

A new edition of a fifty-year-old classic by J. Krishnamurti, finally back in stock after many years off the shelf.J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a renowned spiritual teacher whose lectures and...

Education and the Significance of Life

$ 13.99 USD

Education and the Significance of Life is a penetrating inquiry into the nature and requirements of the kind of education which can lead to self-fulfillment and to world peace. Krishnamurti...

The Beauty of Life

$ 18.95 USD

The Beauty of Life is an updated and complete edition of the work previously known as Krishnamurti's Journal. In September 1973, Krishnamurti suddenly started keeping a journal. For nearly six weeks he...

Flight of the Eagle

$ 12.95 USD

Questioner: Sir, what do you want us people here in this world to do? Krishnamurti: Very simple, sir. I dont want anything. Thats first. Second, live, live in this world....

What Is Meditation

$ 12.95 USD

Meditation is freeing the mind from the known In this inspiring collection of quotations, world renowned spiritual thinker J. Krishnamurti offers an insightful guide to the art of meditation and...

Freedom, Love and Action

$ 18.95 USD

In these dialogues and reflections, chosen for their particular intensity and clarity, Krishnamurti points to a state of total awareness beyond mental process. With his characteristic engagement and candor, he...

Can Conflict End?

$ 12.95 USD

Can Conflict End? Without the fundamental necessity of peace, we cannot possibly understand the greater things of life.With his signature insight and wisdom, world renowned thinker J. Krishnamurti offers a...

Insights into Education

$ 14.95 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle.  Insights into Education presents the educational philosophy of J. Krishnamurti in...

Can Humanity Change?

$ 22.95 USD

Discussions between Krishnamurti and a group of Buddhist scholars provide a unique opportunity to see what this great teacher had to say about Buddhist teachings. The conversations, which took place...

The Network of Thought

$ 10.00 USD

Seven talks from Saanen, Switzerland, 1981 and two talks from Amsterdam, Holland, 1981 are recorded in The Network of Thought. Publisher: Mirananda Author/Editor: J. Krishnamurti 109 pp - Paper From...

On Education

$ 9.95 USD

This book is the outcome of talks and discussions held by J Krishnamurti with the students and teachers of Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh and Rajghat Besant School in...

Understanding Ourselves

$ 7.95 USD

Krishnamurti gave these talks to large audiences at Brockwood Park in Hampshire in the first year of the school’s existence. He examines love and inquires into this extraordinary element of...

La libertad primera y última

$ 19.00 USD

La libertad primera y última es considerado por muchos como el mejor libro de Krishnamurti. Aldous Huxley, en su esclarecedor prólogo, se pregunta: ¿qué es exactamente lo que nos propone el...
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