An Uncommon Collaboration

$ 24.99 USD

For more than two decades, renowned theoretical physicist David Bohm engaged in a close collaboration with psychological philosopher J. Krishnamurti. The two men participated together in 144 recorded dialogues and...

Beyond Violence

$ 11.95 USD

“Krishnamurti would tell you to investigate the workings of your own mind, in the same way that the Buddha taught us to investigate how suffering arises and by discovering the...

Can Conflict End?

$ 12.95 USD

Can Conflict End? Without the fundamental necessity of peace, we cannot possibly understand the greater things of life.With his signature insight and wisdom, world renowned thinker J. Krishnamurti offers a...

Don't Make a Problem of Anything

$ 12.95 USD

In these discussions, Krishnamurti goes deeply into the question of human problems, drawing, in the process, a most interesting distinction between the 'professional' and the 'human being'. He asks whether...

Unconditioning and Education Volume 2

$ 14.95 USD

This book is the second and last volume in a series that presents a collection of dialogues in which renowned educator and religious teacher J. Krishnamurti explores with parents and teachers...

Commentaries on Living: Third Series

$ 18.95 USD

Part 3 of the 3-part book series. Commentaries on Living, a three-volume series, records Krishnamurti's meetings with earnest individuals from all walks of life who came to him seeking answers...

Krishnamurti: 100 Years

$ 22.95 USD

Krishnamurti: 100 Years is an illustrated biography that includes recollections from many people whose lives were transformed by this remarkable teacher. Krishnamurti's life story is of such vast, even mythic...

On Freedom

$ 12.95 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues. Krishnamurti addresses the basic issues of freedom - from human rights in...

Letters To His Schools

$ 14.95 USD

This new collection of J. Krishnamurti''s Letter to the Schools combines the letters originally published in Volume I (1981) and Volume II (1985) with seventeen preiviously unpublished letters from earlier...

The Flame of Attention

$ 12.95 USD

What is it that is hurt? It is the image that one has built about oneself. If one were to be totally free of all images, then there would be...

2024 Krishnamurti Calendar

$ 2.99 USD

Wall hanging calendar. Beautiful photographs taken by Friedrich Grohe are accompanied by a short quote from Krishnamurti. Dimensions 8.5" x 12" closed,    17 x12 open.

The Taormina Seclusion 1912

$ 4.99 USD

A rare Collection of eyewitness accounts, letters and other documents that chronicle the esoteric preparation of the young Krishnamurti, the World-Teacher in waiting. Publisher: Edwin House Publishing Inc. Author: Joseph...

The Revolution from Within

$ 19.95 USD

This title includes a book & DVD of two full talks in Washington DC.320 Pages + DVD'There must be a revolution in our thinking', declares the author, J Krishnamurti (1895-1986),...

Commentaries on Living: Second Series

$ 24.95 USD

Part 2 of the 3-part book series. "There is no path to truth. Truth must be discovered, but there is no formula for its discovery. What is formulated is not...

The Perfume of the Teachings

$ 15.00 USD

In 1977, Krishnamurti met in Ojai, California with trustees of the Krishnamurti Foundations from Europe, India, and North America. Over a one month period he talked extensively with them about...

The Limits of Thought Discussions

$ 13.95 USD

Contains a series of penetrating dialogues between the religious teacher Krishnamurti and the physicist David Bohm. The starting point of their engaging exchanges is the question: if truth is something...

Unconditioning and Education Volume 1

$ 14.95 USD

Unconditioning and Education: The need for a radical approachThis book presents a series of dialogues in which renowned educator and religious teacher J. Krishnamurti explores with parents and teachers the...

Krishnamurti In Greece

$ 11.95 USD

This volume chronicles Krishnamurti's four visits to Greece: in 1930, 1933, 1954 and 1956. The central portion of the book consists of excerpts from talks and discussions held on these...

Can Humanity Change?

$ 22.95 USD

Discussions between Krishnamurti and a group of Buddhist scholars provide a unique opportunity to see what this great teacher had to say about Buddhist teachings. The conversations, which took place...

The Network of Thought

$ 10.00 USD

Seven talks from Saanen, Switzerland, 1981 and two talks from Amsterdam, Holland, 1981 are recorded in The Network of Thought. Publisher: Mirananda Author/Editor: J. Krishnamurti 109 pp - Paper From...

Fire in the Mind

$ 15.00 USD

First published in 1995 to commemorate the 100th birthday of J. Krishnamurti, Fire in the Mind consists of fifteen dialogues between Krishnamurti and Pupul Jayakar. Held between the years of...

You are the World

$ 12.95 USD

There is today a strange and deep discontent among the young people. Responding to this malaise, the words of J. Krishnamurti direct each person to become his own teacher as...

Knocking at the Open Door: My Years with J. Krishnamurti

$ 14.95 USD

An insightful, revelatory and heartfelt narrative that bring out various unknown facets of the ‘world teacher’– J. Krishnamurti – and highlights his distinctive vision for education worldwide…This volume presents an...
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