Title: A Flame of Learning - Krishnamurti with Teachers
Publisher: Krishnamurti Foundation India
Author: J.Krishnamurti
205 pp - Paper
"Seeing something very clearly and acting instantly is intelligence. Can we have that intelligence among ourselves first, and then convey it to the student?" - J. Krishnamurti
Many educators and parents have found J.Krishnamurti's insight into the human condition and the nature of learning specially relevant to the education of children. For them and for others who wish to live sanely and wisely in a world of growing confusion, and who wish their children to do the same, this book will be a valued addition to his previous works.
In discussions with teachers at the Brockwood Park School, which he founded in England in 1969, Krishnamurti assumes the role of a person coming to teach in such a school. Frankly and directly, he explores the new teacher's relationship with the school, with his colleagues, and especially with students, questioning the nature of freedom and authority, the source of fear and violence, and the possibility of awakening intelligence and sensitivity to order. In the course of the exploration, they go into the nature of investigation itself and the necessity for clarity of observation and communication.
Above all, Krishnamurti challenges the teachers-and the reader-to look at the need for radical psychological change, and to consider the possibility of such changes in all human beings.
Jiddu Krishnamurti lived from 1895 to 1986, and is regarded as one of the greatest philosophical and spiritual figures of the twentieth century. Krishnamurti claimed no allegiance to any caste, nationality or religion and was bound by no tradition. His purpose was to set humankind unconditionally free from the destructive limitations of conditioned mind. For nearly sixty years he traveled the world and spoke spontaneously to large audiences until the end of his life in 1986 at the age of ninety. He had no permanent home, but when not traveling, he often stayed in Ojai, California, Brockwood Park, England, and in Chennai, India. In his talks, he pointed out to people the need to transform themselves through self knowledge, by being aware of the subtleties of their thoughts and feelings in daily life, and how this movement can be observed through the mirror of relationship.