Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 2 1934-1935: What is Right Action?

$ 19.95 USD

This volume covers talks given in New Zealand, Ojai, New York, S. America and Mexico. Krishnamurti begins by stating "what we call problems are merely symptoms, which increase and multiply...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 3 1936-1944: The Mirror of Relationship

$ 19.95 USD

Within the process of daily relations with people, with nature, and with society, our own causes of sorrow are revealed. 'In relationship the important thing to bear in mind is...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 4 1945-1948: The Observer is the Observed

$ 19.95 USD

In these talks, given in Ojai and India, Krishnamurti discusses the nature of the observer. He states in the beginning, "to understand the confusion and misery that exist in ourselves,...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 5 1948-1949: Choiceless Awareness

$ 19.95 USD

In these talks in India , Krishnamurti begins by stating his intention to begin answering questions put forth to him by others. He points out that if an answer is...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 6 1949-1952: The Origin of Conflict

$ 19.95 USD

During this time span, Krishnamurti gave talks in England and India. In this volume, Krishnamurti introduces the material as a form of a discussion. He asks those listening to engage...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 7 1952-1953: Tradition and Creativity

$ 19.95 USD

Krishnamurti delivered these Talks at Rajghat - Banaras, on the banks of the river Ganga, during the month of December 1952, to boys and girls, of the ages of 9...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 8 1953-1955: What Are You Seeking?

$ 19.95 USD

The answer to the question, What are you Seeking?, is simple: We want to find truth, God, everlasting peace. The real question, says Krishnamurti, is: 'Why do you seek at...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volume 9 1955-1956: The Answer is in the Problem

$ 19.95 USD

In these Talks, given in Europe, Ojai and India, Krishnamurti addresses the need to approach our life problems in a manner does not perpetuate fragmentation. "Though we have many problems,...

Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, The - Volumes 1-17

$ 219.95 USD

All seventeen volumes of The Collected Works, together as one set. An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from...

Commentaries on Living: First Series

$ 24.95 USD

Part 1 of the 3-part book series. J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) has been called an educator, a philosopher, a spiritual teacher, but in reality he cannot be limited to any of...

Commentaries on Living: Second Series

$ 24.95 USD

Part 2 of the 3-part book series. "There is no path to truth. Truth must be discovered, but there is no formula for its discovery. What is formulated is not...

Commentaries on Living: Third Series

$ 18.95 USD

Part 3 of the 3-part book series. Commentaries on Living, a three-volume series, records Krishnamurti's meetings with earnest individuals from all walks of life who came to him seeking answers...

Discover The Immeasurable

$ 12.95 USD

This series of six lectures given by J. Krishnamurti in Hamburg, Germany in 1956, are based on the need for radical change in relationship to our minds. He explains: 'To...

Don't Make a Problem of Anything

$ 12.95 USD

In these discussions, Krishnamurti goes deeply into the question of human problems, drawing, in the process, a most interesting distinction between the 'professional' and the 'human being'. He asks whether...

Educating the Educator

$ 6.95 USD

During the year 1948, Krishnamurti held as usual a series of public talks in India, but in Bombay and Poona his talks were interspersed with meetings with teachers and parents....

Education and the Significance of Life

$ 13.99 USD

Education and the Significance of Life is a penetrating inquiry into the nature and requirements of the kind of education which can lead to self-fulfillment and to world peace. Krishnamurti...

El Arte de Vivir

$ 15.50 USD

El arte de vivir es un libro especialmente dirigido a los jóvenes, en el que se expone una filosofía práctica de la educación. Una filosofía, una pedagogía, que tiene poco que...

Explorations and Insights

$ 10.00 USD

This book consists of fourteen out of the several dialogues that Krishnamurti held in the 1970s with his close associates, scholars, religious seekers, and others interested in inquiring into existential...

Facing a World in Crisis

$ 19.95 USD

Reviews of Facing a World in Crisis "Krishnamurti is one of the greatest philosophers of our age."—the Dalai Lama "Few modern thinkers have integrated psychology, philosophy, and religion so seamlessly...

Fire in the Mind

$ 15.00 USD

First published in 1995 to commemorate the 100th birthday of J. Krishnamurti, Fire in the Mind consists of fifteen dialogues between Krishnamurti and Pupul Jayakar. Held between the years of...

First Step is The Last Step

$ 9.95 USD

Previously published as Krishnamurti in India 1970-71 and out-of-print for a long time. Consists of the talks Krishnamurti gave in New Delhi, Madras, Bangalore, and Bombay between Dec 1970 and...

Flight of the Eagle

$ 12.95 USD

Questioner: Sir, what do you want us people here in this world to do? Krishnamurti: Very simple, sir. I dont want anything. Thats first. Second, live, live in this world....


$ 19.95 USD

You know Krishnamurti's insights are world changing. A new book Flowering captures his depth in eloquent quotes selected by Evelyne Blau and framed in stunning photographs by Michael Mendizza. Help...

Freedom From the Known

$ 17.99 USD

Drawn from a number of Krishnamurti’s talks and dialogues, Freedom From the Known explores many of the central themes of his teaching. The chapters include: Learning About Ourselves, Pursuit of...
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