Insights into Education

$ 14.95 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle.  Insights into Education presents the educational philosophy of J. Krishnamurti in...

Inward Revolution

$ 19.95 USD

The work of the influential 20th-century spiritual teacher Krishnamurti (1895–1986) is filled with paradoxes: don't follow gurus, this guru advised. Philosophy is an escape, said the man whom the Dalai...

Krishanmurti: The Years of Awakening

$ 14.95 USD

NEW EDITIONThe first of Mary Lutyens four-volume biography of Krishnamurti, covering Krishnamurti's childhood and beyond, from 1895 to 1935. In 1909, a boy of 14 years was acclaimed as the...

Krishnamurti Esencial

$ 15.50 USD

El mensaje que Jiddu Krishnamurti transmitió a lo largo de su vida, a través de las numerosas charlas que ofreció en todo el mundo, es tan simple como revelador: cada...

Krishnamurti for Beginners

$ 15.00 USD

The best introduction to Krishnamurti is Krishnamurti himself—his books, video and audio recordings—and not interpreters and commentators. It is in this spirit that this book is being presented. As the...

Krishnamurti to Himself: His Last Journal

$ 13.99 USD

This book is unique in that it is the only one of Krishnamurti's publications which records words spoken into a tape-recorder while he was alone. After the success of Krishnamurti's...

Krishnamurti's Notebook

$ 17.95 USD

In this unique volume Krishnamurti lets us into the private world of his states of consciousness. Written as a diary, detailing his travels, the day-by-day account moves with breathtaking swiftness...

Krishnamurti: 100 Years

$ 22.95 USD

Krishnamurti: 100 Years is an illustrated biography that includes recollections from many people whose lives were transformed by this remarkable teacher. Krishnamurti's life story is of such vast, even mythic...

Krishnamurti: The Open Door

$ 14.95 USD

NEW EDITION The 3rd volume of Mary Lutyens biography of Krishnamurti. It covers the period from 1980 until his death in 1986. For nearly seven decades the revered teacher and...

Krishnamurti: The Years of Fulfilment

$ 14.95 USD

NEW EDITION The 2nd volume of Mary Lutyens biography of Krishnamurti. It covers the period from 1935 to 1980. On 3 August 1929, a young man considered by thousands to...

La libertad primera y última

$ 19.00 USD

La libertad primera y última es considerado por muchos como el mejor libro de Krishnamurti. Aldous Huxley, en su esclarecedor prólogo, se pregunta: ¿qué es exactamente lo que nos propone el...

Last Talks at Saanen 1985

$ 5.00 USD

Krishnamurti held annual talks and discussions in the Swiss mountain village of Saanen from 1961 to 1985. In 1985, photographer Mark Edwards was on hand to record the talks that...

Leaving School, Entering Life

$ 12.95 USD

This book contains authentic reports of J. Krishnamurti’s talks and dialogues with students, held in Varanasi in January 1954. Fifteen of these talks were given at the Rajghat Besant School,...

Letters To His Schools

$ 14.95 USD

This new collection of J. Krishnamurti''s Letter to the Schools combines the letters originally published in Volume I (1981) and Volume II (1985) with seventeen preiviously unpublished letters from earlier...

Libertad Total

$ 24.00 USD

J. Krishnamurti ha influido en millones de personas, y su pensamiento sigue hoy más vivo que nunca. Como dijera Henry Miller, Krishnamurti no inició ningún dogma nuevo: más bien lo...

Life Ahead

$ 15.95 USD

Collected from talks Krishnamurti gave to his students in India, Life Ahead offers short chapters based around life's fundamental questions. It includes a wonderful introduction written by Krishnamurti especially for...

Más Allá del Tiempo (edición ampliada y revisada)

$ 20.00 USD

Este libro reproduce el apasionado y profundo diálogo entre un gran maestro espiritual y un físico eminente. Un abanico de cuestiones esenciales recorre los diálogos. ¿Ha tomado la humanidad un...


$ 12.95 USD

This new edition of the classic collection of brief excerpts from Krishnamurti\'s books and talks presents the essence of his teachings on meditation -- a state of attention, beyond thought,...

Meeting Life

$ 14.99 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle.  Meeting Life is composed of three different parts. The first section...

Mind without Measure

$ 15.95 USD

Krishnamurti held a series of talks in the autumn and winter of 1982-83 in New Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai and Mumbai. Among the subjects discussed in this compilation are: Where there...

Mirror of Relationship: Sex, Love & Chastity

$ 14.95 USD

This book features excerpts on the title’s theme from Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions held between 1933 and 1967. They have proven helpful in dialogues and for use in high school...

On Conflict

$ 9.95 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues.Is it possible to live a life without conflict in the modern world,...

On Fear

$ 13.95 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues.Krishnamurti: Do I accept it? On the contrary, I forget that I am...

On Freedom

$ 12.95 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues. Krishnamurti addresses the basic issues of freedom - from human rights in...
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