Flight of the Eagle

$ 12.95 USD

Questioner: Sir, what do you want us people here in this world to do? Krishnamurti: Very simple, sir. I dont want anything. Thats first. Second, live, live in this world....

The World Within

$ 14.95 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle. Click here for the Kindle Edition. During the Second World War...

On Fear

$ 13.95 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues.Krishnamurti: Do I accept it? On the contrary, I forget that I am...

The Krishnamurti Reader

$ 14.95 USD

In this compilation of Krishnamurti's most essential teachings, he explores what he calls "the art of living." The topics addressed include such perennial human concerns as: living life without conflict...

The Beauty of Life

$ 18.95 USD

The Beauty of Life is an updated and complete edition of the work previously known as Krishnamurti's Journal. In September 1973, Krishnamurti suddenly started keeping a journal. For nearly six weeks he...

Commentaries on Living: First Series

$ 24.95 USD

Part 1 of the 3-part book series. J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) has been called an educator, a philosopher, a spiritual teacher, but in reality he cannot be limited to any of...

Meeting Life

$ 14.99 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle.  Meeting Life is composed of three different parts. The first section...

On God

$ 13.99 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues. Krishnamurti points out that the God we have created is out of...

This Light in Oneself

$ 15.95 USD

This compilation of previously unpublished material takes as its starting-point Krishnamurti's concern for a radical revolution in the brain. It comprises eighteen thematic chapters about true meditation and the silent...

Life Ahead

$ 15.95 USD

Collected from talks Krishnamurti gave to his students in India, Life Ahead offers short chapters based around life's fundamental questions. It includes a wonderful introduction written by Krishnamurti especially for...

What is Meditation?

$ 12.95 USD

Meditation is freeing the mind from the known In this inspiring collection of quotations, world renowned spiritual thinker J. Krishnamurti offers an insightful guide to the art of meditation and...

Total Freedom: The Essential Krishnamurti

$ 19.99 USD

The first attraction to this new title is the subtle design of the cover with Krishnamurti’s photo taken by Edward Weston a few years after the now famous “Truth is...

Last Talks at Saanen 1985

$ 5.00 USD

Krishnamurti held annual talks and discussions in the Swiss mountain village of Saanen from 1961 to 1985. In 1985, photographer Mark Edwards was on hand to record the talks that...

Reflections On The Self J. Krishnamurti

$ 15.00 USD

Compiled for university students and teachers of philosophy by Raymond Martin, then Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, Reflections on the Self is composed of excerpts from Krishnamurti’s...

On Relationship

$ 13.99 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues. Providing a far-reaching basis for solving many of the world's crises, this...

As One Is

$ 14.95 USD

Audiobook Edition Now Available: Click here In this series of 8 talks, given in Ojai, California in 1955, he confronts the confusion, habits, and assumptions of the human mind, and...

Freedom, Love and Action

$ 18.95 USD

In these dialogues and reflections, chosen for their particular intensity and clarity, Krishnamurti points to a state of total awareness beyond mental process. With his characteristic engagement and candor, he...

How To Find Peace

$ 18.95 USD

We are accustomed to Krishnamurti giving guidance on meditation, on inner states and qualities of the mind, but not so much on the world, on how we might live and...

Insights into Education

$ 14.95 USD

Available in Paperback and Ebook* *The Ebooks available at the Krishnamurti Bookstore are supported by all e-readers except Kindle.  Insights into Education presents the educational philosophy of J. Krishnamurti in...

On Love and Loneliness

$ 13.99 USD

This theme book examines a particularly important subject in Krishnamurti's teaching through excerpts from his talks and dialogues. Krishnamurti distinguishes between love and sex, pleasure, attachment, and dependency. He suggests...

Mind without Measure

$ 15.95 USD

Krishnamurti held a series of talks in the autumn and winter of 1982-83 in New Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai and Mumbai. Among the subjects discussed in this compilation are: Where there...

A Vision of the Sacred: My Personal Journey with K

$ 5.00 USD$ 16.00 USD

A Vision of the Sacred: My Personal Journey with Krishnamurti is a contemporary an intimate memoir by Krishnamurti;s private secretary and friend in India, Sunanda Patwardhan. The book answer the...

To Be Human

$ 24.95 USD

"To Be Human" presents the core of Krishnamurti's message in a new way, alerting the reader to his innovative use of language, the ways in which he would use "old...

Educating the Educator

$ 6.95 USD

During the year 1948, Krishnamurti held as usual a series of public talks in India, but in Bombay and Poona his talks were interspersed with meetings with teachers and parents....
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