This popular series of dialogues with scientists, held in 1976 between Krishnamurti, Dr. David Bohm, and Dr. David Shainberg, delve deeply into the quintessential questions facing each individual that sees the need to bring about a radical, fundamental change in human consciousness.
From the DVD:
Q: Mr Krishnamurti, how can the viewer best share in these dialogues? How can he gain the most from this experience?
Krishnamurti: I think it all depends how serious you are. How serious in the sense of how deeply you want to go into these questions, which is after all your life. We are not discussing theoretically some abstract hypothesis, but we are dealing with actual daily life of every human being, whether he lives in India, or here, or in America, or anywhere else.
We are dealing with the actual facts of fear, pleasure, sorrow, death and if there is anything sacred in life. Because if we don't find something real, something that is true life has very little meaning.
So if you are really serious to go into this matter very carefully and with care, with attention, then you can share a great deal. But you have to be serious, really serious. And if you listen to it, listen with care, with attention, with a sense of affection, not agreeing or disagreeing, that anybody can do, but if you really care to find out how to live properly, what is right relationship between human beings, then you will share completely, I think, with all that we discuss or have a dialogue about during the next few days.
This set contains seven DVD discs, each containing one conversation. Each conversation is sixty minutes in length and is filmed in color.
1st Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 17th May 1976
Disc 2: A mechanical way of living leads to disorder (61 minutes)
2nd Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 18th May 1976
Disc 3: Can I completely change at the very root? (63 minutes)
3rd Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 18th May 1976
Disc 4: In aloneness you can be completely secure (58 minutes)
4th Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 19th May 1976
Disc 5: Your image of yourself prevents relationship with others (58 minutes)
2nd Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 18th May 1976
Disc 6: Any form of image prevents the beauty of relationship (57 minutes)
3rd Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 18th May 1976
Disc 7: Life is sacred (57 minutes)
4th Small Group Discussion, Brockwood Park, England, 19th May 1976
Number of Discs: 7
Total Duration: 6 hours, 44 minutes
Region Code: All regions
Subtitles: English, Dutch, French, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish
Jiddu Krishnamurti lived from 1895 to 1986, and is regarded as one of the greatest philosophical and spiritual figures of the twentieth century. Krishnamurti claimed no allegiance to any caste, nationality or religion and was bound by no tradition. His purpose was to set humankind unconditionally free from the destructive limitations of conditioned mind. For nearly sixty years he traveled the world and spoke spontaneously to large audiences until the end of his life in 1986 at the age of ninety. He had no permanent home, but when not traveling, he often stayed in Ojai, California, Brockwood Park, England, and in Chennai, India. In his talks, he pointed out to people the need to transform themselves through self knowledge, by being aware of the subtleties of their thoughts and feelings in daily life, and how this movement can be observed through the mirror of relationship.